Your pet loves attention from you. One of the best ways to give them that attention is through regular grooming — and that includes bath time. Some pets just like rolling around in the dirt; others are great about grooming themselves. Here are some quick tips to make bath time easier and more fun for both of you.

Before the bath, make sure your pet is brushed well and all knots and tangles are worked out. Use a comb or brush appropriate for your pet’s coat to make the job easier.

Getting ready
Fill the sink or tub with about three or four inches of lukewarm water. Keep your shampoo, conditioner and towels within reach. Block off all escape routes; you don’t want to chase a wet dog through the house.

Before you lather up, make sure you have the right shampoo for your pet’s needs. Puppies and kittens require gentle or “tear-free” shampoos. If your pet is experiencing dry skin, allergies or hot spots, look for shampoos specially formulated for those conditions. And if you use topical flea and tick treatments on your pet, it’s really important to use a non-detergent (soap-free) shampoo. Other shampoos may reduce the effectiveness of your pet’s monthly treatment.

The Bath
Once you’ve chosen the right shampoo, lather your pet thoroughly, being careful to avoid his eyes and ears. Rinse him well, but avoid getting too much water on his head. It’s important to rinse completely, because leftover shampoo can dry out his skin. Towel him off. Once he is completely dry, give him another good brushing.