Overweight Pets

Pet obesity is an increasing problem for most domestic animals. Dogs, Cats, and other pets are at risk for obesity simply due to the nature of being a pet. Most pets are well fed regularly and don’t spend enough time exercising to properly balance the calories...

Halloween Pet Tips

Keep Your Pet Inside! Pets left outdoors can encounter tricksters. … Keep Candy Out of Reach! Make sure that all candy is kept safely away from inquisitive pets. … Don’t Make Your Pet Unhappy. … Avoid the Masks. … Be Careful with...

Things to Make Halloween Safer for Your Pet

Don’t feed your pets Halloween candy, especially if it contains chocolate or xylitol (a common sugar substitute found in sugar-free candies and gum); Make sure your pet is properly identified (microchip, collar and ID tag) in case they escapes through the open...

What To Do After Adopting A Pet

Adopting a pet can be overwhelming if you don’t know where to begin, but bringing home a fur baby is also fun and exciting! This milestone is the first bonding moment of many between you and your new fuzzy friend. To help ease that stress, here are things you...