Vitamin E is more than good for dogs its essential! Vitamin E is an antioxidant that can help defend the body against free radicals in the skin and other cells. Vitamin E is also an essential, fat-soluble vitamin that is good for a dog’s immune system, muscles, heart health, liver, nerve cell membranes and healthy skin and coat.

Is There Vitamin E in My Dog’s Food?

Yes! Any dog food that mentions “essential vitamins and minerals” or “complete and balanced nutrition” on the bag will definitely have a vitamin that is as good for dogs as Vitamin E.  Vitamin E is a natural preservative, so beyond being an essential vitamin, it’s a good way to keep the dog food reliability in place.

How Much Vitamin E Is Good for Dogs?

Most pet foods are developed by nutritionists,  you don’t have to worry about how much vitamin E you should provide for your dog—he should be getting the perfect amount every day to help him flourish. Dogs that are deficient in Vitamin E may show signs of muscle weakness