Getting ready to go on a road trip with your dog? It’s not always easy to keep dogs safe in the car, even though they’re great company for travelling.

Whether you’re just going for a short drive or taking a longer road trip, taking basic safeguards helps make you and your dog safer.

Seat Belts for Dogs

Just like their people, dogs should buckle up too! The safest way to travel with your pups is to secure them with their own seat belts or dog car harnesses. Not only does a seatbelt confine your furry friend, but it keeps them safe in the event of an accident.

Keep Your Dog out of Your Lap

Dogs love riding in the front next to you. But if you’ve got an eager or anxious dog who wants to climb over onto you, a blockade will help. Pet Sores now have easy to install barriers for your car so that your dog can stay in the back and not be able to jump back and forth. Make sure to get one that fits your car specifically.

Take Breaks

On long road trip, your dog needs car snacks, water, and bathroom breaks. Make water readily available to your dog to avoid dehydration. Meals, treats, and chew toys are great distractions for a busy dog in the car. No matter what, ensure that you’re stopping every couple of hours so your pet can use the bathroom.