Keep wet dogs inside
Rule one for bathing your dog during the colder months is to keep your dog indoors until they are completely dry. Putting your dog outside during the winter months while wet increases risk of hypothermia. If your dog has a thick coat that dries slowly, you may want to consider using a blow dryer to help them dry faster.

Keep your home warm
Although you may be reluctant to continually run central heating in your home during the winter, it is important to keep your home warm during bath time. So turn up the heat an hour or so before bath time and keep it running until your pet is completely dry.

Keep the water warm
Simple enough, keep the bath water warm also. Warm baths keep your pet comfortable during bath time and helps ensure they maintain a healthy, warm body temperature.

Don’t forget to use a towel
While it’s practically impossible to stop your dog from doing ‘the shake’ after bath time, using a towel will speed up the rate at which they dry. A thick, absorbent towel is the perfect for soaking up water after bath time

Dry shampoo and conditioner
If your dog sleeps in a kennel outdoors or is generally a lover of the outdoors, consider using dry shampoo to clean him during the winter months. Dry shampoo will remove the dirt buildup on your dog’s skin and will eliminate the ‘dirty dog’ scent that we so dislike.