Nice weather is coming so the opportunities for our pets to join us for some spring and summer time fun.

  1. Get Your Dog Use to Busy Places

While some locations are great places to socialize your dog, they can also be overwhelming. If your dog has been cooped up all winter, then a crowd of people or a busy down town might be a bit of a shock. To help your dog get used to all the noise and attention, feed your dog treats frequently.

  1. Getting Your Dog Use to Water

Going for a swim in your favorite lake, river, or pool is a great way to to cool off. But before you jump in and expect your canine companion to join you, it is best to help them get used to the idea. Slowly expose them to the water in a shallow area and make sure that interacting with the water is their choice

  1. Sporting Events and Picnics

Bringing your dog to a baseball game or neighborhood picnic can be a fun for all. Bring a blanket or mat for your dog to rest on while you root for your team. Reward your dog for staying in place with a treat and help them stay in place for a longer duration with a favorite toy .

  1. Behaviors for Outdoor Food Establishments

While you and your dog are waiting in line for your tasty treats, it is a good idea to practice polite manners. Reward your dog for sitting by your side while in line. To ensure others in line also have a great experience, make sure you only allow your dog to greet strangers who invite them to say hi.

  1. Getting Your Dog Ready for Long Car Rides

Vacations and day trips are the highlight of the spring and summer seasons. Bringing our dogs along is meant to make the experience even better. You can give them a favorite Kong or chew toy to work on during the trip. For longer trips remember to stop frequently to let your dog stretch their legs and go to the bathroom.