Where Do Fleas Go During The Fall Months

Fleas do not like sunlight, so they often go in tall grass or take shelter underneath piles of leaves. These environments shield them from the light while at the same time providing an opportune location to lie and wait for a host.

Should I Trim My Dogs Nails?

If a dog’s nails are too long, you will hear them snap when the dog walks on hard floors. Deciding if your dog’s nails are too long is really easy. The nails should not protrude over the pad and should not touch the ground when standing. You can cut your...

Frozen Banana Pet Treats

What You Will Need 1 banana 1 1/2 cups watermelon 1 cup pineapple (You can substitute the fruit in this recipe with any other dog-safe unsweetened fruit or veggie puree or yogurt.) What You Need: Silicone mini muffin pan (or use ice cube trays) Blender or food...

Tips for Keeping Your Pet Cool

Offer an ice pack or wet towel to lay on. Add ice cubes to the water dish. Offer access to a wading pool with shallow, cool water. Offer access to cool shade. Bring a collapsible water dish on your walks. Early morning or evening playtimes, exercise, and walks are...

Will Dish Soap Kill Ticks

Any type of dish washing liquid is effective in killing ticks on your pet. Dish soap like Dawn and Palmolive work well. Apply a generous amount to the animal. … Let the soap sit on your pet for 15 to 30 minutes.

Signs Of Grief In Your Pet

Pet grieving can be expressed both physically and mentally. Grieving pets may show symptoms comparable to those of grieving adults. As every human reacts differently to grief, so does every animal. Both cats and dogs can suffer loss of appetite, disturbed sleep or a...